Tacoma Kennel Club in Graham WA 07/20/24 - 07/21/24 F-Stop Touch Of Greatness 'Sully' (CH Nordictouch Of Class x MOX MOX Charmed One)
Saturday - 2nd/Reserve - Judge Ms. Emily Fish Sunday - 1st/Winner dog - Judge Mrs. Marianne C. Klinkowski
Handled by Lesli Smith Owned and loved by Marijo Delap Bred by Nicky Hunt
Yellowstone Valley Kennel Club in Billings MT 06/20/24 - 06/23/24 F-Stop Touch Of Greatness 'Sully' (CH Nordictouch Of Class x MOX MOX Charmed One)
Thursday - 1st/Winner dog 1st AKC point - Judge Dr. Troy Clifford Dargin Friday - 1st/Winner dog - Judge Mrs. Christie Martinez Saturday - 1st in class but no love today - Judge Mr Alfred J. Ferruggia Sunday - 1st/Reserve - Judge Mrs. Karen S. McFarlane Handled by Lesli Smith Owned and loved by Marijo Delap Bred by Nicky Hunt
F-Stop Touch Of Greatness - Yellowstone Kennel Club Dog Show
1st/Winner dog 06/20 - Day 1
1st/Winner Dog 6/21 - day 2
Fall Round Up - Helena Dog Show, Montana 09/19/21 Mattiaci Dancing in the Street 'Yogi' (CH Luckycharm Yogi Bear CD BN RI CGCA TKI x CH.Frostfire In Your Dreams RA) WD/BOW 4pts CH. Mattiaci Where Art Thou Romeo 'Romeo' (GCH.F-Stop Red Astaire x CH.Frostfire In Your Dreams RA) WINNER SELECT 1pt points towards his Grand Championship. Romeo shown by Breeder/Handler Florence Josephs. Yogi shown by Handler Brandy Bolles (Brandy's first time showing at a dog show.) Both boys owned and loved by Mari Jo Delap
Mattiaci Dancing in the Street (CH Luckycharm Yogi Bear CD BN RI CGCA TKI x CH.Frostfire In Your Dreams RA) WD/BOW for his first AKC point Cook Inlet Kennel Club - Palmer AK. 7/23 - 7/25/2021
Owned by Mary Jo Delap, Bred by Florence Josephs Handled by Florence Josephs/Junior Showman Jamie Lynn Thank you Jamie Lynn for showing Yogi to his first AKC point.
- New Champion - AKC CH. Mattiaci Where Art Thou Romeo (GCH.F-Stop Red Astaire x CH.Frostfire In Your Dreams RA) Breeder handled Best of Breed over specials for a 5 Pt major & Best Op over a special for his final point to finish. Alaska Kennel Club - Anchorage AK 6/25 - 6/27 Owned by Mary Jo Delap, Bred by Florence Josephs Handled by Florence Josephs A special thank you to Florence Josephs for entrusting me with Romeo and showing him to his Championship! ♥
Mattiaci Where Art Thou Romeo 'Romeo' (GCH.F-Stop Red Astaire x CH.Frostfire In Your Dreams RA) WD/BOW 4 Pt Major for 6 Pts/1 Major Lewiston Spring Cluster - Lewiston ID 4/23 - 4/26
Owned by Mary Jo Delap, Bred by Florence Josephs Handled by Florence Josephs
Video of Mattiaci Where Art Thou 'Romeo' showing at Fort Worth TX 03/27/21
(Now retired) AKC CH. Mattiaci A Bite of the Cherry 'Bing' (Ch. Storeyland Who Dunnit at Jemma x Ch. F-Stop’s Legoland) Owned by Mary Jo Delap, Bred by Florence Josephs ♥ Handled by Clint and Karen Livingston A special thank you to Florence Josephs for entrusting me with Bing and Team Livingstone showing him to his Championship! (2012)
Friday - 1st/ Winner/Best of Winner - Judge - Dr. Vandra L. Huber Saturday - 1st - Judge - Mr. James A Moses Sunday - Judge - Marissa L Clark
Handled by Lesli Smith Owned and loved by Marijo Delap Bred by MariJo Delap
Idaho Capital City KC., Boise, ID 10/11/24 - 10/13/24 Bitterroot Wild Heart ' Stevie'
Friday - 3rd - Judge - Mrs. Valerie J Brown Saturday - 1st/Winners/Best of Opp, Major WIN - Dr. Steven Keating Sunday - 2nd - Judge - Mrs. Christie Martinez
Handled by Lesli Smith Owned and loved by Marijo Delap Bred by MariJo Delap
Snake River Canyon KC., Filer, ID 10/04/24 - 10/06/24 Bitterroot Wild Heart ' Stevie'
Friday - 1st - Judge - Mr. Kenneth E. Berg Saturday - 1st, Reserve Winners - Judge - Mr. Randy Garren Sunday - 1st, Winners - Judge - Dana P Cline
Beehive Toy Group, South Jordan, UT 09/12/24 - 09/13/24 Bonneville Basin Kennel Association, South Jordan, UT 09/14/24 - 09/16/24 Bitterroot Wild Heart ' Stevie'
Thursday - 1st, and Reserve Winners - Judge - Mr. Ken J. Murray, Friday - 1st, Winners, and Best of Winners - Judge - Mr. Mark Lucas Saturday - 1st - Judge - Mr. John C Ramirez Sunday - 1st, and Reserve Winners - Judge - Mr. Steve Hayden Monday - 1st, and Winners -Judge - Mr. Desmond J Murphy
Metro-Mile High Kennel Club Dog Show, Greeley CO 09/06/24 - 09/06/24 - 2 shows Evergreen CO Kennel Club Dog Show, Greeley CO 9/07/24 - 09/09/24 Bitterroot Wild Heart ' Stevie'
Friday 1st show - 1st in class - Mrs. Pamela B. Peat Friday 2nd show - 1st in class - Mrs. Rosemary Shoreman Saturday - 1st in class - Mr. Manuel Queijeiro Sunday - 1st in class - Mr. Randy E. Garren Monday - 1st, Winner, and Best Opposite. 1st points - Mr. Ken Murray
Handled by Lesli Smith Owned and loved by Marijo Delap Bred by MariJo Delap
Greeley Kennel Club AKC Dog Show, Greeley CO 08/17/24 - 08/19/24 Bitterroot Wild Heart ' Stevie'
Saturday - 1st in class - Mrs. Barbars G. Pepper Sunday - 1st in class - Mr. Ken Roux Monday - 2nd in classy - Mrs. Nancy Liebes
Handled by Lesli Smith Owned and loved by Marijo Delap Bred by MariJo Delap
Bitterroot Wild Heart - Greeley Kennel Club 08/17/24
Five Valley Kennel Club Dog Show in Missoula 05/30/24 - 06/2/24 CH Black Diamond Happy Dance 'Rockit' (GCH CH Milbu You Attract Me x Nell'a Cavaliers Danna) working on his Grand Championship. Saturday - did not place Sunday - did not place Handled by Brand Bolles Owned and loved by Marijo Delap Bred by Ana Stevanovic
F-Stop Touch Of Greatness 'Sully' (CH Nordictouch Of Class x MOX MOX Charmed One) Showing 9-12 months class. First show for him. Thursday - 1st in his class Friday - 1st in his class Saturday - 1st in his class Sunday - 1st in his class
Of course, he was the only one in his class, but he did really good for his first ever dog show. I'm really proud of him. Sully will be leaving with Lesli to start his show career.
Handled by Lesli Smith Owned and loved by Marijo Delap Bred by Nicky Hunt Bitterroot Wild Heart 'Stevie' (Allegro Sonata Hamilton x Bitterroot Autumn Breeze) Showing 9-12 months class. Her first show Thursday - 1st in her class Friday - 1st in her class Saturday - 1st in her class Sunday - 1st/ Reserve in a big class well done
Lesli did a wonderful job showing Sully and Stevie. Both seemed to enjoy themselves. Stevie will be joining Lesli later down the road
Handled by Lesli Smith Owned and bred by Marijo Delap
Helena/Gallatin Dog Show in Helena 09/21/23 - 09/24/23 CH Black Diamond Happy Dance (GCH CH Milbu You Attract Me x Nella’s Cavaliers Danna)
Day 1 - Select (5pt MAJOR) Judge - Mrs. Madeline Patterson Day 2 - No wins Judge - Jamie Hubbard Day 3 - No Wins Judge - Ms. Kimberly Anne Meredith Day 4 - No Wins Judge - John P Wade Handled by Brandy Bolles Owned and loved by Mari Jo Delap Bred by Ana Stevanovic
Big Sky Dog Show in Great Falls 07/07/23 - 07/10/23 CH Black Diamond Happy Dance (GCH CH Milbu You Attract Me x Nella’s Cavaliers Danna)
Day 1 - Grand Champion Select (2 pts) Judge - Mrs. Joan Liebes Day 2 - Grand Champion Select (1 pt) Judge - Mr. Joe C. Walton Day 3 - No Wins but he looked great out there Day 4 - Grand Champion Select (2 pts) Judge - Sharon V Derrick Handled by Brandy Bolles Owned and loved by Mari Jo Delap Bred by Ana Stevanovic
Bitterroot The Sound Of Music (GCH CH Lockestar 'Cause I'm Up To No Good CD PCD BN RE FDC BCAT ACTI ACTIJ RATM CZ8S CGCA CGCU TKN ATT x Bitterroot Moon Shadow)
Day 1 - 1/RW Judge - Mrs. Joan Liebes Day 2 - 1/ Judge - Mr. Joe C. Walton Day 3 - 1/ Judge - Dr. Gail Forsythe Day 4 - 1/ Judge - Sharon V Derrick Handled by Brandy Bolles Bred, Owned and loved by Mari Jo Delap
Sky Fall Cluster in Great Falls 10/07/22 - 10/10/22 NEW CHAMPION CH Black Diamond Happy Dance (GCH CH Milbu You Attract Me x Nella’s Cavaliers Danna) Day 1 - He wasn't entered in the show Day 2 - 3rd Judge - Mr. Johm F Booth Day 3 - 1/RWD Judge - Mrs. Donnelle Richards Day 4 - 1/WD (3-point Major) Judge - Ms. Shelley Hennessy Handled by Brandy Bolles Owned and loved by Mari Jo Delap Bred by Ana Stevanovic
Five Valley Kennel Club Missoula Dog Show 06/02/22 - 06/05/22 Black Diamond Happy Dance (GCH CH Milbu You Attract Me x Nella’s Cavaliers Danna)
A great big thanks to Brandy Bolles for showing Rockit. Day 1 - RWD Judge - Eugene Blake Day 2 - 2nd Judge - Jan Paulk Day 3 - RWD Judge - Johnny Shoemaker Day 4 - 1/W/BW/BOB 3-point Major Judge - Carolyn Herbel
Owned and loved by Mari Jo Delap Bred by Ana Stevanovic